Cause and Effect
Soren James
THE MOSQUITO’S death came as a shock to us all. One minute it was there on the wall – my hand hurtling toward it – the next it was a stain.
Our surprise, I guess, reflected our flimsy grasp of cause and effect. Which (if I understand the concept) was the cause of our looking up cause and effect in a dictionary:
A thing affecting an effect is a factor in that effect. A direct factor is a factor that affects an effect directly . . . .
We quickly bored of such reading, and congratulated ourselves on terminating all enquiry before anything serious could be learnt.
Learning is generally a mistake. Building a knowledge base is a blunder in this uncertain, unstable, and severely non-stick universe.
Therefore, take nothing with you.
Soren James has been previously been published in Strange Horizons, Thrilling Words, and Cafe Irreal.